Quick Test: Things to Build in Modded Minecraft

This is a database of ideas for things to build in modded Minecraft. And of course, vanilla Minecraft is on the list as well. On one of the forums, there was a long-running topic called "1,001 Things to Do in Modded Minecraft" and yes, we did keep it running until we hit 1,001 ideas. I am not copying any of those here ... just my own suggestions. Since I have now created several modpacks, and included notes (Notes mod) for each one, I figured I should just consolidate them all in one place. So, here we go ...

Ideas on file: 467

Type of Build
Mods I have
Just pick a few ...
Max. Tech Level

Now, how the Nether heck do we classify these things? Trying to keep it simple, there will be a build type:

I personally like the idea of adding "businesses" to a settlement, instead of just empty buildings. So, instead of 20 more empty beds, search here and come up with an Aquaculture Museum or Saltwort Farm.

Next, I will either list the mod which makes the build possible, or "modpack" for an idea that gathers items from all mods in a pack, like getting saplings from every mod.

Tech Level: I will try to classify the builds based on the technology levels needed to build them. There are a lot of long-running challenges like the Refugee to Regent Challenge, which have similar tech level concepts (and printed RPGs have had the concept since the 1980s). In super brief terms, the tech levels I will use are:

Worktables: Whenever I talk about "worktables", I mean any kind of quick crafting or auto-crafting method available in your modpack. Personally, I have made tons of autocrafting factories, but for a better roleplaying feel my favorite tool is the Forestry mod worktable: it will simply hold 8 recipes -- those 8 recipes represent an NPCs knowledge, and it's nice to just keep the table's inventory stocked and click out the items I need; honestly it's faster than most fancy factory setups, and cost only a chest, a book and a crafting table.

MC Versions: Here I will list a range of Minecraft versions where I have personally played packs with the challenge available. Most of my time has been spent playing tech packs from 1.2.5 (the original Tekkit Classic) to 1.12.2. I can't get into exact versions of each mod, but this is a rough idea of where I got the idea or tried it out.

Note: I can't track every version of every mod in every pack, or every combination of mos you might have. These are just ideas. Check if your modpack can do the build, or maybe the idea will trigger something else that IS in your pack, that fits the bill. So, if you don't have the Edible Bugs mod, the "Bug Man" build might inspire you to make a Stink Bug spawner/grinder instead. Who knows. Just have fun.