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SCV Graphics - POV-Ray web elements: Wood

License: These graphics are samples only. If you would like me to produce similar graphics for one of your projects, contact me using this online form.

This is a collection of bullets, arrows and small panels rendered in POV-Ray. You are free to use a few of these on any personal web site. The objects are not antialiased, so you can clip them out and paint the background any color, or make it transparent. Enjoy!

Balls - wood 50%

Arrowheads - wood 50%

Thin arrowheads - wood 50%

Pyramids - wood 50%

Triangles - wood 50%

Buttons - wood 50%

Arrows - wood 100%

Balls - wood 100%

Arrowheads - wood 100%

Thin arrowheads - wood 100%

Pyramids - wood 100%

Triangles - wood 100%

Buttons - wood 100%

All graphics are Copyright 1995-2004 by S.C.Virtes.